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VC Walker

訂製刻字手鐲 - 自訂CD 封面特別版本

定價 ¥7,400 JPY
定價 售價 ¥7,400 JPY
減價 售罄

材質: 316L 不銹鋼

闊度: 4mm

適合手圍 14cm 至 17cm


如選擇自訂CD 封面圖案, 需要上載清晰相片, 你可以在結賬前先預覽成品。



- 訂單將在下一個工作日處理(不包括週六/週日/公共假期)並立即發貨。


- 您可以在我們位於 Miraplace One 的商店取貨。 

地址:香港尖沙咀美麗華廣場一期L1 132A

- 我們採用順豐快遞郵寄服務。您可以在結帳時輸入您的家庭住址或任意順豐服務點。
香港順豐服務點地址請瀏覽 這裡
台灣便利商店取貨服務請瀏覽 這裡
- 訂單一般會在2個工作天內出貨。客製化產品可能需要更長的時間,請參閱產品說明。發貨後,您將收到一封帶有追蹤號碼的發貨確認電子郵件。預計交貨時間為 1-4 天。
- 包裹離開我們的設施後,運輸時間為 7-14 天,並帶有追蹤號碼。
- 我們主要採用香港郵政的郵寄服務。
- 包裹到達您所在的國家/地區,目的地郵政服務將處理投遞事宜。
- 由於郵件量大,可能會出現延遲,可能需要額外 3-4 天的時間才能送達。
- 運費將顯示在結帳頁面。
- 消費滿 300 元港幣即可享有免費送貨服務。
- 如果您遇到任何延誤或懷疑您的包裹可能放錯地方,請聯絡我們尋求協助。
- 如果包裹遺失,買家可以選擇全額退款或更換。
- 您的訂單可能需要繳納進口關稅和稅款,這些關稅和稅款將在貨物到達您的國家/地區後徵收。
- VC Walker 無法控制也不對適用於您的包裹的任何關稅/稅費負責。您將負責支付額外的清關費用。各國的海關政策差異很大。請聯絡您當地的海關辦公室以獲取更多資訊。在某些情況下,海關代理可能會延遲某些包裹的遞送。

Product care

所有產品自收到包裹之日起享有14天的售後服務。 保固範圍涵蓋產品本身的缺陷,但不包括任何意外損壞。維修或更換的產品僅限同款產品, 不接受退款。請與我們聯絡以了解更多詳情。


1. If the image contains any obscene, offensive, abusive or copyrighted content, VC Walker is not responsible for the content and reserves the right not to print it without any compensation.

2. Variations in colour, image quality and position may occur in the finished product. The customer acknowledges that the finished image is dependant on the quality of the documentation.

Disclaimer about Intellectual Property Rights

1. The customer hereby grants a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free and non-exclusive licence (carrying the right to grant sub-licences) to VC Walker and its authorised users, assigns and successors in title the right to utilise the intellectual property rights in the documentation for production of the ordered personalized products.

2. The customer hereby warrants that the documentation and the exercise of the rights conferred on VC Walker, its authorised users, assigns and successors in title under the licence referred to in clause 1 above will not infringe any intellectual property rights of VC Walker or any third parties.

3. The customer further warrants that all necessary lawful authority or consent of all persons (or their respective lawful guardians if they are minors), whose images or information are reproduced or contained in the documentation, have been obtained to use their images or information and to authorise VC Walker and its authorised users, assigns and successors in title to use their images or information for the production for the ordered personalized products.

4. The customer agrees to indemnify VC Walker against all claims, actions, proceedings, liabilities, losses, demands, charges, costs, damages or expenses that may be suffered or incurred by VC Walker, its authorised users, assigns and successors in title in connection with the exercise of any of the rights conferred on VC Walker, its authorised users, assigns and successors in title under the licence referred to in clause 1 above or any breach of the terms and conditions herein, including any infringement of a third party's intellectual property rights (including any moral rights) existing in any documentation or any part thereof or unauthorised use of a third party's image, design or other material, or any part thereof.


The accessories are packed in a mini CD box with jewellery box.